No. 17: Tosh Recommends...
Jean-Luc Godard/Serge Daney, Marguerite Duras, Robert Ryan/André De Toth, and Michael Andrews
Video Interview Between Serge Daney and Jean-Luc Godard
A fascinating two-hour chit-chat between Godard and the legendary essayist/film critic Daney. Not for the faint of heart, nor those who take their cinema as only a Saturday night adventure. Hardcore to the maximum.
I’m looking forward to reading the compilation of Serge Daney’s writings, recently published by Semiotext(e).
India Song, both the film and play, is a remarkable work. I’m not sure if the play was ever performed, but the film is magical—an intelligent love story made by a master. Marguerite Duras is really something. Streaming now on Criterion Channel.
Is there such a thing as a bad Robert Ryan performance or even film? So far, I haven’t seen a bad Ryan film in my decades-old life yet. Day of the Outlaw (André De Toth, 1959) takes place in Bitters (now that’s an excellent name for a town), Wyoming. As usual, Ryan plays a complex character with some negative traits, but there are hints of decent characteristics. This is an excellent Western, with amazing actors backing the king of angst. The film is streaming on Criterion Channel. Day of the Outlaw

Fitting with his best communist flirt instinctively poised against the taxes he created for populist causes ( and his fear of the outcome of such thinking , such creative philosophy s d punishable success! ( Jean Luc Le Fou)!
Nonetheless he was a great artist for whatever reason !!!!
Goddard is more enigmatic and more anal retentive too
I also spent a week o do with him in the same house .
Suffice it to say ;
H had a graphic background in design for Movies posters and a sense of distributors sizzle for the elements of emerging markets, add to that he was struggling like many in Europe with the individual vs meaningful public samaritainism -- yet add to that the dilemma of needing it to be philosophically sound ( instantly meaningful while driven by Cartesian coordination !!!!
It’s no wonder the German writer , Heinrich von Kleist shot himself on the beach because he could not choose Good over good deeds !
Someone said you shouldn’t shit and Goddard said yes but look here at the outcome -- then add a little upper left ver from the Medicis or Columbus !!!
He had s lot of money in Geneva like many a great French social thinker