I guess my thoughts when Hitchcock is involved is in most of his later films, there’s a creepiness that seems to correspond to those deep psychological places where we, as humans try to ignore to our peril. He taps our subconscious every time. I had to look at the trailer for this one to jog my memory.
Marnie was the 1st Hitchcock that I saw 1st run, because of Connery, natch. I loved it. I still love it. It is way underrated as a part of his oeuvre.
I agree Bill. I wonder why Connery is not noted for this film/role.
I guess my thoughts when Hitchcock is involved is in most of his later films, there’s a creepiness that seems to correspond to those deep psychological places where we, as humans try to ignore to our peril. He taps our subconscious every time. I had to look at the trailer for this one to jog my memory.
Marnie sticks with me. It is such a weird piece of work.
True, a strangely compelling film which took me while to fully appreciate its weirdness, only through multiple viewings over time I guess.
Weird it is!
I haven’t seen this movie in years but this description makes me curious about it again. Thanks Tosh.
Larry, I would be interested in knowing your thoughts.