Oh yeah, it was mind-blowing, one of a handful of truly memorable concerts in a long life of music going....at a par with the times I saw Frank Zappa and Ravi Shankar...I've been a Sylvian fan for ages, ever since his Japan days, and then with all his many collaborations...

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I love the sound of this reissued album so far. My friend, Irish artist George Bolster did the album cover (and inside cover) for David Sylvian's album "Died in the Wool" several years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obi7d4bijwM

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Sylvian has good taste when it comes to the visuals on his albums. Thanks for your note here!

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The concert I attended of him performing with Robert Fripp in Toronto at Roy Thompson Hall is still reverberating in my head. Breathtaking.

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Now, that must have been a wonderful concert.

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Sylvian is such an astonishing artist, and a favourite of mine, thanks for sharing this Tosh.

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