Thank you, Tosh, my grief-buddy for the year... Together we are working through it. I've been comforted and inspired by the tributes you have paid to the loved ones who passed in 2022. This is Life Affirming.

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I'm always at your service, Elspeth. The grief will more likely be with us for awhile, but we're buddies forever!

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Hello Tosh,

Thanks for sharing these intimate and moving thoughts. I enjoy reading your words. All the best in 2023! (Every year, the new date sounds more and more strange.)

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Robin, the future is always at best odd. But we got to move toward that direction. Upwards and chin out!

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Hi Tosh, there is nothing meaningful or profound I can find to say to you but that your posts are always so moving. I'm glad we are distant friends. Sending you warm and healing thoughts. Wishing you the very best for 2023! "Française Maischic"

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Thank you for your sweet words. It means a lot to me Française. And happy new year! x, Tosh

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Happy New Year Tosh! Excited to see what comes of the script project, and thanks for all your writing over this past year!

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Thank you Todd!

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Beautifully said as always, Tosh. I've enjoyed being friends and working w you on this and that. You introduce me to much meaningful or fun music and writing. Sometimes it's a re-introduction, as with "The Sicilian Clan" theme (your fave) which has stayed with me may months now. Your mother's exhibition was very moving. I visited it twice. Thanks a million for supporting my book launch. (I have another coming in May!) Best of luck w your script project. (Mine is going nowhere it seems.) Love to you and Lunna.

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Happy new year Jack! The scriptwriting world is a strange beast on its own. Who knows what will happen? I try to do the best I can do at the moment and then see what happens. And the melody of "The Sicilian Clan" never dies!

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