Gosh I hope you were spared from the fires. We have lost many this year already from the artistic world...seems like they get to go somewhere better to avoid this hell. Kinda like Bowie dying pre Covid. Something feels ominous...these are dark times. Stay safe, it is ok to stay home more no matter what. Lotta nuts out there.

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Bowie's death was the gateway of everything horrible that happened afterward. We were spared from the flames, but the smoke afterward was, and I suspect is, still a problem. But we are OK! This is an excellent time to be a writer/artist.

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Blessings. Anicca !

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Thanks for sharing

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Thanks Tosh. Perfectly stated on all counts except exiting Facebook . . . We, the voices against the MAGA Mess plus the Trump Trash need to stay on their site to make sure they are not the only voice in this wilderness of deceit and misinformation etc. I know it’s a bit like pissin’ in the wind but for me any possible way of throwing a little dirt in the face of those who are trying throttle the Poets Artists and Musicians and those who have imagination, need a poke in the eye ( metaphorically) now and again.

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Whenever I write something political, especially against Trump I notice I don’t get any traffic to my post on Facebook. Either my Facebook friends don’t read those posts, or they prefer I don’t write on politics. If I post an image of Bowie, or me even, much traffic comes my way on Facebook. Beyond that, I have an addiction to Facebook that is not healthy. It’s porn without the porn. But we will see what will happen after the “strike.” Right now it’s an experiment.

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You have beautifully captured this last slice of time with your beautiful writing.

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You, sir, are much too kind. Thank you.

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Sad for all of us waiting for the DTs

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good headline!

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Yes, but a sad yes.

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Tosh, I applaud you for leaving the Meta Sphere! I am trying to do the same! I am also sad at the passing of the brilliant David Lynch. I will miss his morning weather reports on KCRW and will be revisiting his outstanding catalog of spectacular art.

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i'm gong to do my best in leaving the META world. But not sure how easy that is or not easy. For one, there is no disconnect button on Facebook to leave the platform. But I'm doing more research.

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Bluesky announced they're developing an alternative to Instagram. We'll see how that shakes out. I too am eager to leave their platforms behind. In the meantime, let us celebrate the boundless creativity of Mr. Lynch and his work. Things to live by.

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Yes, they purposely make it difficult. Please do share what you find.

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