I love Mud and all the chinnichap productions! I got really into this in the late 90's and remember buying a bunch of laminated glam posters from a guy at the Buena Park Record Swap. I also love that band Hello, produced by Mike Leander. Also, Steve Priest of the Sweet lived in La Cañada, somehow my friends and I found this out by looking it up in the White Pages, he wrote a book called Are you Ready Steve? :)

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Steve lived in La Cañada? Wow, that's interesting. And I have to check out Hello. Thanks!

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I assume this is the same Mike Chapman who produced so many great pop/rock albums such as Blondie's breakthru Parallel Lines. But i thot he was American... Hey, nice piece in Blue Moon magazine about Semina!! Great to see yoo on Friday !!!

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Hilarious to think of Roxy and Mudd together like that!

But of course, you are spot on about the marauding Glam hordes opening the doors for Punk.

Roxy and Mud show up at all levels punk and post punk...

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