Hi Tosh, I've known your father's work for decades and my former partner has always wanted one. I have a suggestion that when you find a work online, ask the seller to include a note that they should contact you to add to the provenance.

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Such a great post. I feel the same with my parents only to find out after having our daughter some 14 yrs ago that my dad may have had other relations outside the family. It hurt at the time but now I’m at peace with it but would and will not ever bring it up with them. Side note I worked at Teri Garr’s house early 2000’s and it was so hard to see her in a condition I did not know her to be in but she was so sweet and nice but I could feel a sadness was there. RIP TG

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Thanks Tosh. What an interesting circumstance for you, caught between this and that because of that strange veil we call fame. The Art is what’s interesting for me. Your dad’s work has always fascinated me long before I knew you. Thanks again for your thoughtful response to a very private event.

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Fascinating post, Tosh. The past is like an archeological dig sometimes.

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I was around Teri Garr on the set of the Black Stallion. My then boyfriend was the dialogue coach for Kelly Reno, the star of the film. She wasn't interested in knowing other women, and later, when I happened to be standing in line behind her in LA, extremely unfriendly. I don't have any positive memories of her, and wondered why Carroll selected her as the boy's mother, because she seemed so opposite of maternal . . . she seemed like she was cliché acting. Maybe I would have had to be a man to understand her appeal.

The "see you soon" is on a site where everything is wildly overpriced. I anticipate the relatives are trying to recoup some fiduciary benefit from her star appeal. The one thing that she did which I thought was really hilarious was pick up George Lucas at the after party of the original Star Wars release. Other than that, you were probably lucky her affair was relatively brief with your Dad, and that you never had to personally deal with her. Your mother must have really adored your father. Kudos to her for forgiving.

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very sweet. I bet they were in love

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Perhaps. I will never know.

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Tosh, what a beautiful description of constantly unfolding consciousness. Everything is being revealed exactly when you are ready to begin to make sense of it. That doesn't mean it isn't hard or painful or even overwhelming at times but that Art is an integral way of engaging with life.

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