What a cool take on those louche, rich, cultivated and talented Italians. Pasolini epitomizes the extremes of the genre - loved and demonized during his lifetime. Check out Abel Ferrara’s 2014 film, Pasolini starring Willem Dafoe, an uncanny resemblance. Atheist, Marxist, homosexual, loathed by the Church and persecuted by the government, none the less, 120,000 people lined the streets in Milan for his funeral. Such is the power of words. Another must see is his last film, Salo, but be prepared for a trip to hell.

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I did take that trip to hell decades ago when I saw Salo, but I need to revisit it. I'm very fond of his novels. And I do like his films as well. And the Ferrara film is pretty good! Dafore was a good Pasolini.

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