I love Richard, his brief writing career and songs, and also his sister.

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As I understand it, the date was in honour of the Roman god Janus, deity of new beginnings, and after attempts were later made my medieval Christians to replace it with more significant (to them) dates, Pope Gregory XIII revised the calendar into the Gregorian one, restoring Jan. 1 as the beginning of the year. It used to be April, and many stubborn people continued to insist on celebrating that as the new year, thus earning the name April fools. Ain't history a hoot?

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I read Been Down So Long It Looks Up To Me in 1969 while working as an extra on Change of Habit with Elvis Presley, Mary Tyler Moore and Barbara McNair. When Timothy Carey (who played a crooked grocer in the movie) saw what I was reading he said, "That's the story of my life."

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That is an amazing comment! In that one comment, we have Richard, and then Elvis and Mary Tyler Moore, and it ends with Timothy Carey. Perfection!

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