There’s no place to go and we are going there. This is the going and the coming. This moment.

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It seems being anxious is a natural response to things being deeply whacky in the world in ways that rock ones' sense of security. Breathing helps alot.

Like long walks and climbing up stairs.

Something is deeply wrong with those who aren't a bit anxious and angry . When I am unable to redirect that on the verge of panic feeling I retreat to somewhere calm and when that doesn't

help I take an amino supplement called "Gaba Calm" and feel MUCH better by the next day. Time becomes more valuable as ones' becomes shorter and

small/polite talk at gatherings can feel like a collosal waste of it. Do what nourishes your body and spirit the most.

We will all go sometime and reintegrate

on an energtic level back to constituant

elements . Whats' not to get anxious about?

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